Are You Thinking of Going Solar?

Newly Installed Solar Panels on my House

With the high cost of electric bills and the concern of climate change, many Canadian house owners may want to install solar panels. After having solar panels installed for five years, I am happy it was a good decision. If you are still undecided, I hope this post will help you make the transition.

Benefits of Installing Solar Panels
Aside from feeling good about helping the environment with renewable energy, having solar panels significantly reduces your electricity bill. In fact, utility companies are required to pay you the extra generated electricity in many jurisdictions, including Alberta. For example, below is a snippet of my electric bill showing the micro-generator credits.

A Snippet of My Utility Bill Micro Gen Credit
(Credit Pays Out Quarterly)

Additionally, because solar panels cover the proof from the sun, the roof radiates less heat back to the house at night. This reduces the cost of running air conditioning in summer. Also, solar panels are hail-resistant; they help extend the roof's lifetime by protecting it from weather elements.

Furthermore, houses with solar energy systems tend to sell with higher value, according to a Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory report mentioned in this article.

What are the Concerns?

One of the biggest obstacles is the capital cost. While residential solar panels are getting cheaper and more efficient, installation costs are still in the thousands. Fortunately, the Federal Greener Homes Grant reimbursement offers up to $5000 for installing solar panels, and many solar solution companies would guide you through the application process. Some also offer referral programming to entice friends and relatives to get solar, where you can split the cash reward.

Another concern is re-roofing. Most houses’ roofs are asphalt shingles that last between 15 to 30 years, while solar panels typically have 25 years of warranty with at least 80% efficiency. Installing solar panels on a new roof is the most ideal, but this is not always the case. Re-roofing will cost you removing and reinstalling the existing solar panels. Unfortunately, there is no clear answer as to whether you should re-proof before installing solar. However, here is an excellent article that may help address this concern.

What about maintenance? Unless you want to maximize solar energy generation by cleaning the solar panels (not recommended), they are maintenance-free. Many solar solutions come with software for you to monitor the solar system performance.

Past Five Years Total Energy Generation (SolarEdge)

What is Next?
Research, research, research! There are many solar solution companies nowadays, and their quotes and services can deviate from each other greatly. While you want to maximize your return on investment with the lowest installation cost, hiring a reputable company you can trust is also important. And, if you live in Calgary, this website can help you determine the viability of adding solar panels as an alternative energy. 

There is no better time to invest in our future!


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