ESCORT (Garmin) C550 Review

Finally, it is time to try out new. I just bought the ESCORT C550. There is a hot deal $150 off from Future Shop this week.  So, I decided to buy it and test it out. In the worst case, I will refund it within 30 days

Here is the picture of the box

2. Here is what you get.

  • The GPS navigator unit
  • Window mount
  • Car power adaptor
  • Regular USB Data Cable
  • Protective bag for the GPS unit
  • Sticker (if you decide not to use the window mount)
  • Garmin Lock instruction Manual
  • GPS Navigator manual


  • Preloaded City Navigator North American v8
  • Bluetooth connection for pairing with your cell phone
  • Plays Mp3 music
  • SD Card slot of loading other maps and mp3
  • Text to Speech, the GPS can read the street's name for you
  • Come with 1 year manufacture warranty

Notice that the company is call ESCORT. It is a sister company of Garmin. I didn't see much a different between ESCORT c550 and the Garmin StreetPilot c550.
It is a bit thicker than the Garmin Nuvi. From the side, it has the power button, USB interface connection, and a volume adjustment dial.
The unit has 2 speakers, audio in, audio out, and a special interface port for your car power adaptor.



Navigator Search

Like another GPS Navigator.  You can search location on the map by inputting address, category, company name. In addition, you can also save your "Favorites" address (which is the same as a bookmark) on the map.

When performing search, you and choose which location area to search by specifying the "Search Near...." options:

"Where I am Now"

"A Different City"

"My Current Route"

"My Destination"

So, if you want to find the nearest Staples from your current location. You select the "Where I am Now" option.

Music Player

It comes with 7 preloaded music. It has a basic music player which allows you to browse music by Album, Artist or Genre. It has repeat and shuffle. Nice thing about the music player is that it also display track's information and picture of the Album. It is simple and easy to use.

Note that it only supports English, it doesn't support Chinese Character display even. Fortunately I still able to upload file that uses Unicode (Chinese) from c550 to the SD Card. So the music still play.

FM TMC Traffic Data

Too bad Canada doesn't support this type of FM TMC Traffic up to the point I type this information. Otherwise the GPS navigator can display road condition right on the map, which helps you avoid traffic jam or road construction.

Detour and Recalculate Function

I am not sure if this function in other GPS device. However, I like this feature. Today, I was stuck in a traffic and I decided to drive off from the planned route. Initially, the GPS recalculate my path in an attempt to get be back on the and same road. So, I said NO WAY! I click on the menu button and click on detour. It recalculate a new route for me. This is a sweet function. You have all the confidence that you know you won't be lost. Except you may take a longer path.

First Impression

I just did a small test with the GPS in my neighborhood. Here is something that I don't like

  • Volume dial is too sensitive - you can easily turn it on too loud or too low in volume
  • The North American map v8 is obviously not up to date in my area, because it was missing a number of roads. I was searching for the nearest staple, but it gave me one that 9km away, where there is one only about 4 km away.

What I like:

  • Street name reading ability
  • Location on the map is very accurate
  • Easy to mount and take off from the window mount
  • As you drive, it shows you the street's name ahead, so you don't have to browse around for street sign



The location search is pretty fast. If you took another route, the recalculate of your trip route is recalculated, and it is pretty fast too. I am guessing the performance of the route calculation is based on the complexity of your begin and destination direction. But don't take my word right now, I have to test it more.

Display (3" x 2.5")

Even the screen is not as big as the other high end model, the screen is bright enough to see even I am wearing a sun glasses.  The 2D map and 3D look cartoon-ish, but I see that it is effective when you are driving. It let you get the information fast and focus on the road.

The screen shows the street's name that you are approaching, the estimated speed of your vehicle and the driving direction.  I am glad that it doesn't

Touch Screen

The button on the screen is easy to touch. User inference is simple to use.


It can go pretty loud. The text to speech is pretty clear.

Feature that I like to see

With Bluetooth interface, I am hoping I can interface the GPS unit with my computer. Say if you have MS Street and Tips install on your laptop, or you want to do special GPS Data collection.

More Testing Later

I didn't do much testing (Gas costs a lot). I still need to test the following. I will update this page once I get the results.

  • Hand's free phone talking - voice quality and stability for long talk
  • Mp3 on the SD Card
  • Long distance driving experience (I will drive to Edmonton later this month and get a better experience)

Computer vs Human Calculation (2nd Day of Testing)

So, today, I tried to use my c550 navigate to work. I guess the sky wasn't clear, it took my GPS about 3 min before it was able to local its position on the map.  Anyway, I have set the route find to use "Fastest Time", so IDEALLY it should point me the direction to my work at the fastest time. Guess what, it DID NOT.

Why? Because the unit directed me to a road that has 10 or so traffic light. It took me about 10 more minutes back to work compare to my usual driving path.  Indeed, the other path maybe shorter, and the speed limit on the road is reasonably fast. However, it appears that c550 didn't take into account the number of intersections I have to go though before my destination. If I try to find the best path to my work, I would consider the followings (without taking into traffic condition and road condition it this case):

  • Speed limit on the road (in graph algorithm, it is call weight), you want to use the less weight path then the heavy one)
  • Number of intersection you path would encounter (the less intersection, the easier and more likely the less stop you have to made on the road)
  • The number of Left turns vs Right turns. WHY? because in Canada and US, we usually given the right to turn right on red light, and you get right of way

Of course, if c550 has instant traffic volume information in my city, it would be another story.

Unfortunately, when I test the c550, it directed me to a path with more left turns and more intersection. I was disappointed with its ability to find a faster path. In addition, I have to make a point out that the map was missing one or minor road that I usually take. The map wasn't up to date. Calgary is booming crazy. However, even with the one missing road, the c550 should still able to find my usual path.

So, in the end, human driving experience still does a better job than computer calculation for now!


Wow Thinking said…
Thank you for this post, GPS Helpline Number Canada && Garmin Help Number Canada is there for you at 1-916-209-6500 for your help technical assistance..

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