
Showing posts from January, 2007

Tontie Master.... not yet

Ok, I played this game too much, my right hand is very tired. I know that the last level is level 20 . I am so close of finishing this game. Anyways, I have to prepare more cover letters.

More on Parking-Lot Accident

Feeling frustrated and helpless, I decided to called the Edmonton Police and my insurance adjuster to get a better understanding on how they view my situation. Insurance Company vs the Police It turns out even the police lay charges (when damage is over $1000) against the other driver, insurance companies looks into the report and disregard the police's point of view on this accident. Hence, police charged the person at fault doesn't mean I am not at fault according to the insurance company. Insurance companies pretty doesn't look at how the police conclude the situation, it is up to the insurance company to figure it out themselves. Parking lot Accident So, why it is still a 50/50 split. Basically as long as you are still in the progress of reversing your vehicle, even when you have stopped during the middle, are you still consider reversing. The technicality is that you are still backing out, once you hit, or being hit, you are still at fault. The only time you are n

Don Not Trust Your Car Insurance Agency

Remember my recent parking lot accident story, please read it first before continue on read this blog. I am screwed, big time!!! My new insurance rate with Allstate has doubled ! It is crazy, insane and unacceptable. I shouldn't file the claim. I should have deal this whole matter myself. As I typing this blog, I am holding the burning fire inside of my heart. This is the biggest gamble I ever made, filed a claim. This one small parking accident cost me too much, too much to the point I feel like I shouldn't drive again. I lost all my confident of driving. How many have I been driving you may ask, 11 years already. 11 years, experienced? or just a meaningless figure! I took the risk of filing a claim because my agent told me if it happen to be a 50/50 split, I would expect my insurance to increase by about $300 most. Feeling that I am right, and I can take that risk, I filed the claim. Now, the agent called me, my insurance has doubled due to frequent accident. Yes I have 2

Numpad vs Alien

Ok, this is another addictive game. I play this game before. However, this is a newer version. The best I can play up to is level 18. I was surprised how my numpad survive that long! The last level that I played was crazy! Try this game yourself!

Flight of the Hamsters Glitch

Won in space and my highest score so far!

Accident at a Parking Lot

Well, life is not fair. We hear that all the time. Even you are right in some situation, it does not mean you will deserve what you expected. What happened on Monday On Monday, my girlfriend, her mom and I were sitting in my car at a strip mall parking lot. I pulled my car in reverse gear and backup my car to exit the parking slot. I always turn my body and look at back directly instead of my rear mirror to back up. Than I saw the car right behind me start backing up. I almost able to exit the car park, but I stopped. My instinct told me I could either move my car back to the slot, or I could honk the car hoping the car would stop. So I honked. In a second or so, her car bump to the back of my car. Without know much about parking lot accident. I presumed that I did the right thing. I stopped, tried to warn the other car, and I got into an accident. Immediate, I asked my girlfriend to look for a witness and hoping I can resolve the matter. In the end, I got a witness. My girlfrien

Flight of the Hamsters - An Addictive Game

It is crazy, I have spend 2 days to play this game. I only got up to the following scores. However, my girlfriend found another score , or this score that is way higher than the one I got. If you are bored, try this game! Yeah, I don't have job right now, hopefully I will find one soon or else my score would become higher and higher!..although I think my girlfriend is trying to make sure that the scores don't get any higher ^_^; Recent high score: 494 on single score

VISA Customer Service!

Well, there are many bad story about bad customer service. Actually mine story isn't too bad at all. However, I find that funny so I decided to post something about. My mom who can't speak English need to activate her new VISA. So, I try to help activate the card out by call to T* Bank number on the new VISA card. A representative picks up the phone and I told her I am helping my mom activity her new VISA. In the past, I remember you only needed to activate the card though a automated system by calling from your home phone line. This time I actually got a person responding. So, I kindly told her that my mom can't speak English and so the rep decided to look for a translator for me. Waited... waited.. 15 minutes later, she came back and say the interpreter service was closed. So, I hang up. Next morning I called again, this time I told the representative that I need a translator because my mom can't speak English. So she did, after 5 minutes, I was forward to an autom


Wow, this is the first time I make a blog this quick. 1/2 hr ago I went to my girlfriend's house to have a cup cake (cup cake is not made by my gf, but she lured me by implying she made the cup cake!!!!) I was at her front door and saw my gf's sister's bf standing still. Yes, I saw this huge black furry thing walking at my gf's front door. No one actually know what's going on. I am guessing this poor guy must be hungry and somehow it woke up in its hibernation. Here is a close up look! Looks pretty cute. However, we didn't really know what to do. Well, one of my friend decided to call 911, hopefully there is an answer of what we should do. Well, the lady told my friend that "this is not a joke?", "is this life and death situation?". I figured that we shouldn't call 911, but who knows! We don't even know who to contact. Well, sometime, problem will resolve itself. This little guy decided to climb over the fence and walked away from