
Showing posts from November, 2023

Are You Thinking of Going Solar?

Newly Installed Solar Panels on my House With the high cost of electric bills and the concern of climate change, many Canadian house owners may want to install solar panels. After having solar panels installed for five years, I am happy it was a good decision.  If you are still undecided, I hope this post will help you make the transition. Benefits of Installing Solar Panels Aside from feeling good about helping the environment with renewable energy , having solar panels significantly reduces your electricity bill. In fact, utility companies are required to pay you the extra generated electricity in  many jurisdictions, including Alberta. For example, below is a snippet of my electric bill showing the micro-generator   credits . A Snippet of My Utility Bill Micro Gen Credit (Credit Pays Out Quarterly) Additionally, because solar panels cover the proof from the sun, the roof radiates less heat back to the house at night. This reduces the cost of running air conditioning in summer. Also,